JAKARTA - The man with the initials NF, the alleged perpetrator of the murder of his brother-in-law named Boy Noya, is still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciracas Police.

The results of the interim examination, the motive for the murder was triggered by revenge and hurt by the perpetrator against the victim.

"Yes, the perpetrator has been arrested. The motive is suspected to be revenge," said Ciracas Police Chief, Kompol Agung Ardiansyah when confirmed by VOI, Friday, September 13, morning.

However, Kompol Agung was reluctant to explain the chronology of the stabbing action carried out by the perpetrator against the victim.

"The perpetrator's initials NF, is still under investigation," he said.

Based on information from a local resident, Yuliantoro, the suspect NF had the heart to stab the victim Boy Noya, who was his brother-in-law. The stabbing action peaked when the victim asked the perpetrator about the two-wheeled vehicle credit.

Initially, the stabbing occurred when the victim was about to visit his colleague. Before arriving at the destination, the victim stopped at Jalan Bridal Ali, RT 01/06, Ciracas District, East Jakarta.

"So the previous perpetrator was not in the car with the victim. The perpetrator followed the victim. After the victim stopped, the perpetrator immediately stabbed the victim who was in the wheelhouse with a badik," he told reporters, Friday, September 13.

Residents who heard screams in the car finally intervened and the two of them fled. But finally the perpetrator was arrested by the Ciracas Police who was passing by.

Until now, the police continue to dig up the information of the perpetrators at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciracas Police. The police also confiscated the knife used by the perpetrators to kill the victim.

Previously reported, Boy Noya, a car driver was found dead in the hands of his own brother-in-law. The stabbing was motivated by the motive of heartache due to harsh words allegedly made by the victim.

Victim Boy Noya was found dead behind the wheel of his car on Jalan Bridal Ali, Ciracas District, East Jakarta, Thursday night, September 12.

The perpetrator's action with the initials NF was classified as sadistic. The reason is, he was desperate to stab the victim in front of the victim's child and wife who were in one car. The victim died with a number of stab wounds with sharp weapons. After carrying out the action, the perpetrator was arrested by members of the Ciracas Police who were passing by patrol.

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