AMBON - Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Eddy Sumitro Tambunan ordered to take firm action against police officers involved in drug use and trafficking.

"Regarding the police officers arrested for allegedly being involved in drugs, the Kapolda has ordered investigators to take firm action according to applicable legal procedures," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes Areis Aminnulla in Ambon, Antara, Wednesday, September 11.

The order was conveyed after investigators from the Narcotics Directorate (27/8) managed to arrest a police officer with the initials Bripka YHFT alias Hendra.

Members of the Samapta Polresta Ambon Island and Lease Islands were arrested after the investigative team managed to arrest their female friend with the initials PM along with a package of methamphetamine-type narcotics. PM was ordered by Hendra to buy methamphetamine in Kailolo village.

Not only criminal law, the Kapolda also ordered the Ambon Island Police Chief and Lease Islands to process the person's law with a professional code of ethics.

Currently, the suspect Hendra has been detained at the detention house of the Maluku Police Narcotics Director as stipulated by the Director of Drug Investigation at the Maluku Police Number: S.Tap/92.A/VIII/RES.4.1./2024/Ditresnarkoba dated August 31, 2024 and the Detention Order of the Director of Narcotics at the Maluku Police number: SP-Han/91/IX/RES.4.1/2024/Ditersnarkoba dated September 2, 2024.

Pada 5 September 2024 Sipropam Polresta Ambon juga telah menerbitkan laporan polisi nomor: LP-A/14/IX/2024/Sipopam dan surat perintah Kapolresta Ambon nomor: SP/513/IX/WAS.2.2.2./2024 tanggal 5 September 2024 tentang pemeriksaan pelanggaran kode etik profesional Polri atas nama pelaku.

Regarding the violation of the Police code of ethics, Sipropam Polresta Ambon ensnared the perpetrators using Article 13 paragraph (1) PPRI Number 1 of 2003 and Article 13 letter e of Perpol number 7 of 2022.

"Today Sipropam Polresta Ambon has coordinated with investigators from the Maluku Police Narcotics Directorate who handled the case in question to conduct examinations of witnesses or other perpetrators and investigators who handled the narcotics abuse case," he explained.

Until now, the legal process against Bripka Hendra is still ongoing. He was temporarily secured at the detention center of the Maluku Police Narcotics Directorate.

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