JAKARTA - In the midst of soaring numbers of the spread of COVID-19, countries in the world have begun to choose the option to close regional access or lockdown as a measure to curb the spread of COVID-19. One of the countries that has just implemented a lockdown is Spain.

Saturday, March 28, the Spanish government announced a stricter lockdown policy. People are forced to stay indoors for the next two weeks, from March 30 to April 9.

As reported by Reuters, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez revealed that the lockdown measures were being taken to fight COVID-19 in Spain. Moreover, Spain is among the second worst affected countries in Europe after Italy.

"This decision allows us to reduce the number of those who have contracted COVID-19 to a much larger number," said Sanchez.

The lockdown option was taken as a further step after authorities previously called on schools, bars, restaurants and shops to close since March 14. The step in the form of an appeal the other day also asked most of its citizens to stay at home while implementing physical distancing.

To that end, over the next few days, Spain will discuss other collective efforts that can be taken in order to fight COVID-19. One of the discourses that has emerged is that there are several new steps that are likely to roll in for a long time and have the effect of extending the Easter holidays.

Interestingly, Sanchez also promised that each worker would receive a salary as usual. However, on condition that each worker must make up for lost time in the future. All the moves that the Spanish government have taken have been in response to the 832 deaths from the new COVID-19 that occurred in just one night.

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