JAKARTA - The Foreign Ministry said it had summoned senior Iranian diplomats on Monday to give a warning of "destroying and irreparable consequences" of bilateral relations between the two countries, if Tehran's report supplies ballistic missiles to Russia correct.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said on Telegram it had summoned Iran's power of attorney Shahriar Amuzegar, giving a stern warning of the consequences for the relationship if the missile delivery was confirmed.

CNN and the Wall Street Journal reported last week, citing unnamed sources that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, as Moscow continued to wage war in Ukraine more than two and a half years after the 2022 invasion.

Ukraine said last week that deep military cooperation between Tehran and Moscow poses a threat to Ukraine, Europe, and the Middle East, calling on the international community to increase pressure on Iran and Russia.

A senior commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards dismissed this, saying it was a psychological war, stressing Iran did not support any party in the Russian-Ukraine war.

"No missile was sent to Russia and this claim is a kind of psychological war," said Iranian Labor News Agency Brigadier General Fazlollah Nozari.

"Iran does not support any party in the Ukraine-Russia conflict," said Brigadier General Nozari.

Western officials and Ukraine have dismissed the denial in the past, saying there is very strong evidence Iran has supplied goods such as Shahed's drone to Russia.

EU foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano said in an email: "We are aware of credible information provided by allies about the delivery of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia."

He said, if confirmed, "this shipment will be a substantive material escalation in Iran's support for Russia's illegal aggression war against Ukraine".

European Union leaders have previously explained they will "response quickly and coordinate with international partners, including with new and significant measures of restriction against Iran" against the move, Stano added.

Another European official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States had shared information about the reported transfer with allies and was likely to announce it to the public soon.

"I cannot confirm reports that transfers have occurred," White House spokesman John Kirby said in Washington, adding such a scenario would have a negative impact on Ukraine and the Middle East.

As previously reported, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had seen the report, saying not all of the reports were true.

"Iran is our important partner, we are developing our trade and economic relations, we are developing our cooperation and dialogue in all areas that allow, including the most sensitive," Peskov told reporters.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Miki emphasized that his country was never part of the Russia-Ukraine war, on the other hand, always supported political solutions to end the war there.

He told IRNA on Sunday when asked about the alleged transfer of Iran's short-range ballistic missile to Russia for use in Ukraine's war.

"As has been emphasized repeatedly, the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite its opposition to war, supports political solutions to resolve differences between Russia and Ukraine to end the conflict," the spokesman said.

"Iran has never been a part of the conflict and its continuation," he said.

He further said the main approach and what the Iranian government stated regarding the Ukraine crisis remained unchanged.

Therefore, continued Badminton, allegations of Iran's ballistic missile transfer to Russia were "baseless" and repeated by certain Western countries seeking political purposes.

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