YOGYAKARTA 'How much is the salary of the 2024 Regional Elections KPPS? What is the task of the KPPS? How long is the working period of the KPPS? Check out the answer in the following review.

Please note, the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) is one of the ad hoc bodies that will serve in the General Election of Regional Heads (Pilkada).

The KPPS was formed by the Voting Committee (PPS) to oversee the process of voting at the polling station (TPS).

Provisions regarding honoraria for Pilkada 2024 officers and supervisors, including KPPS, are listed in the Ministry of Finance Letter (Kemenkeu) Number 2-647/MK.02/2022 taggal 5 August 2022 concerning Other Input Fee Units (SBML) for General Election Stages and Election Stages.

Based on the letter from the Ministry of Finance, the details of the 2024 Pilkada KPPS salary are as follows:

The salary amount includes honorarium for the working period during the vote count process.

In addition to obtaining honorariums, KPPS officers also get facilities such as consumption and other work equipment to support the smooth running of their duties.

With the provision of salaries and adequate facilities, it is hoped that KKPS officers can carry out their duties optimally, so that the 2024 Pilkada can take place safely, smoothly, and democratically.

In the KKPS guidebook published by the KPU, the KPPS was formed by PPS to carry out the vote.

The KPPS consists of 7 people, including 1 chairman and 6 members. The following is the task of the 2024 Pilkada KKPS:

Working Period Of KPPS Pilkada 2024

When viewed from their duties, the Regional Head Elections Commission (KPPS) will oversee the course of the voting process at the polling station. Thus, the Regional Head Elections Commission (KPPS) will be on duty a few days before voting is carried out, until the vote count process at the polling station is complete.

Based on the Decree of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Number 475 of 2024, the working period of the Pilkada KPPS will start on November 7, 2024 and end on December 8, 2024. This means that the working period of the Pilkada KPPS is approximately 1 month.

This is information about the salaries of the 2024 Pilkada KPPS along with their duties and working period. To get other selected news updates, keep reading VOI.ID.

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