JAKARTA - North Korea's weapons supply has strengthened Russia's position in Ukraine by allowing it to store its weapons domestically, top German military officials said during a visit to South Korea on Monday.

German military chief General Carsten Breuer said Russian President Vladimir Putin would not contact North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to request weapons if the weapons were useless.

"It's about increasing the production of weapons for Russian aggression in Ukraine, it's also strengthening Russia by allowing them to store their supplies as they are today," General Breuer told reporters in the capital Seoul.

Earlier, Ukraine and the United States said Leader Kim was assisting Russia in the fight against Ukraine by supplying rockets and missiles, in exchange for economic assistance and other military assistance from Moscow.

North Korea has sent at least 16,500 containers of ammunition and related materials to Russia since September last year. On the other hand, Russia has launched more than 65 missiles on target in Ukraine, said Robert Koepcke, deputy assistant to the US foreign minister, in a speech last week.

Meanwhile, Moscow and Pyongyang have denied direct arms transfers, which will violate the United Nations embargo.

When asked if he had urged South Korea to directly provide weapons to Ukraine, General Breuer said he agreed with Ukraine, anti-aircraft devices, infantry fighting vehicles and other weapons would be useful in fighting and that every country should do everything they can.

So far, South Korea has provided non-lethal equipment and aid, but says it has no plans to send weapons except Russia's cooperation with North Korea past an unspecified red limit.

"We have informed North Korea that their security cooperation with Russia has direct implications for our security situation," said German Ambassador to South Korea Georg Schmidt.

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