JAKARTA - The candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno visited the residences of the 10th and 12th Vice President Jusuf Kalla. The meeting inside JK's house lasted less than an hour.

Before Pramono-Rano left the location, JK revealed the contents of their conversation. To this PDIP support pair, JK reminded them to pay attention to the issue of the recurrence of Jakarta if they win the 2024 Pilkada.

The resolution of the classic Jakarta problems such as floods and congestion also did not escape JK's message to Pramono-Rano.

"I'm leaving a few things, if, for example, giving guidance to the leaders of Jakarta in the future, solving basic problems in Jakarta such as congestion, flooding, and slum areas. Because others can be done with other people," said JK on Jalan Brawijaya Raya, Monday, September 9.

He also previously conveyed this message to the Jakarta cagub-cawagub Ridwan Kamil-Suswono on Thursday, September 5.

JK believes Pramono and Rano can become competent leaders of Jakarta. This is because JK has known Pramono since JK became Vice President of the era of President SBY and Pramono as Member of the Indonesian Parliament.

"Pak Pram is an old friend that we have worked with in the government for 20 years. He certainly didn't explode like Ahok. But, he is a hard worker, I guarantee that. He is an engineer, so he must have the ability," explained JK.

Continuing, Pramono admitted that he and Rano asked JK for advice on the leadership attitude needed by the community. Pramono received advice so that he and Rano dared to make decisions that sided with the interests of the community as a whole.

"What I also got from Mr. JK with his long experience earlier, he ordered to lead Jakarta to be calm, have to be polite, have to focus, dare to decide," explained Pramono.

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