JAKARTA Unpad political observer Muradi believes that Megawati Soekarnoputri's figure will only function as a symbol even though he was re-elected to lead the PDI-P (PDIP) in the 2025 Congress.

He believes that PDIP will not succeed in the 2025 Congress because Megawati has received a mandate from the PDIP National Working Meeting which will take place in May 2024 to remain chairman.

Meski terpilih lagi, Megawati hanya sebagai simbol. Pasalnya mesin PDIP tetap akan dijalankan oleh para kader-kader muda potensial mereka di lapangan. Bagi saya, justru kalau PDIP, simbolis itu penting. Yang mengerjakan itu machinan anak muda, ujar Muradi, Rabu 1 Januari 2025.

He stated that the position of chairman of the PDIP was difficult to shift, so it was certain that Megawati Soekarnoputri would return to her position. This has become a 'law' in the party to maintain the solidity of PDIP as a cadre party of national figures, namely Soekarno and party ideology.

Karena ukurannya, ada unsur, bahasa saya mungkin subsultif ya. Tapi ada unsur yang kemudian penglihatan dari Bu Mega bahwa si A, si B, si C ini sudah bisa atau belum. Makanya, oka saya tetap jadi ketua umum tapi yang jalan banyak-anak muda, imbuhnya.

Muradi emphasized that if not become a ketum, Megawati would still serve in a strategic position so that PDIP would not shake by external parties, such as PKS who had shakes when Anis Matta decided to leave the party.

"For example, in 2025, Mrs. Mega will become general chairman, meaning that there are two conditions that have not been met for succession. One of the conditions, ideology and the second is experience. Now, these two will be seen later, whether Mbak Puan Maharani or Mas Prananda has the opportunity to become a big captain of the PDIP itself," he explained.

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