JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) was sued at the State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the ratification of the PDI-P DPP management for the 2019 2024 service period which was extended until 2025. This case is registered with case number 311/G/2024/PTUN.JKT today.

Judging from the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Jakarta Administrative Court, there are five plaintiffs. They are Djupri, Jairi, Manto, Suwari, and Sujoko.

There are four points of lawsuit that the five people have filed for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The following is the object of the lawsuit in question:

1. Granted the plaintiff's claim in its entirety;

2. Declare that the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia is null or void Number: M.HH-05.AH, 11.02. 2024 concerning Ratification of Structure, Composition, and Personal of the PDIP Central Leadership Council for the 2024 2025 Service Period;

3. Require the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia to revoke the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number: M.HH-05.AH.11.02.2024 concerning Ratification of Structure, Composition, and Personality of the Central Board of PDIP for the 2024 2025 Service Period;

4. Punishing the Defendant to pay the court fee.

Meanwhile, Victor W. Nadapdap, who is an advocacy team from the plaintiffs, explained that the lawsuit was filed because the extension was not in accordance with the PDI-P's Articles of Association/Household Budget (AD/ART).

"Based on the decision of the PDI-P congress on August 9, 2019, a decision has been made no. 10/KPTS/Kongres-V/PDI-Perjuangan/VIII/2019 concerning the PDI-P AD/ART, as well as ratifying the program and assigning the PDI-P DPP to 2019 2024," Victor said in his statement, Monday, September 9.

Victor said that the extension of the term of service meant that it was against Article 17. Because they should serve for five years.

"The term of service in accordance with the AD/ART is until August 9, 2024," he said.

In addition, the management's term of service should be carried out through a congress. In accordance with Article 70 AD/ART PDIP.

"This is of course in line with Article 5 of Law no. 2 of 2011 concerning amendments to Law no. 2 of 2008 concerning political parties. Changes to AD / ART as referred to in paragraph 1 are carried out based on the results of the highest forum for making decisions by political parties, namely congress," concluded Victor.

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