YOGYAKARTA What Is Indonesia's Prepared Period? This is a period of conflict and chaos that took place in Indonesia from 1945 to 1946.

At that time, violence occurred against Europeans in Indonesia. History records that around 3,500 to 20,000 people were killed in riots, chaos, and looting.

Victims of the Preparedness Period are not only from the Dutch, but also people who play Indo-Europe, China to ethnic Maluku in Java.

The period of preparation is a term used by the Dutch to refer to the period of violence against Europeans. This incident was motivated by the anger and desire for indigenous revenge against Dutch colonialism.

The period of preparation took place after Indonesia proclaimed independence on August 17, 1945. The Dutch, who did not want to recognize independence, tried to reclaim power in Indonesia.

As a follow-up to the plan, in October 1945, the Dutch government placed Lt. Governor General Huib van Mook in Batavia (Jakarta).

The Dutch desire to regain control of Indonesia then ignites the anger and hatred of the indigenous peoples. As a result, there was an attack and attack on the Dutch and their descendants and they were considered pro colonialism.

This action was carried out by a group of youths acting on behalf of themselves as Pemoeda or Pioneer.

Starting in Depok, known as a residential center for Dutch people and descendants of Indo-Europeans, these crimes and violence then spread to other areas in Java and a small part of Sumatra.

The period of preparation began on October 7, 1945. At that time, there was an attempt by the Pemoeda group to prevent traders who wanted to sell basic necessities to the Dutch. The house of Assistant Wedana Depok was the target of the robbery that day.

Two days later, the Depok area was seized by Pemoeda and five houses were robbed.

On October 10, 1945 morning, the food building in Depok was invaded by homeless people. The next day, the battle in the Prepared Period was continued with the attack of the People's Security Army (TKR) on the Netherlands. This incident is known as Gedoran.

This conflict continued until October 13, 1945. At that time, a group of people invaded the Netherlands and killed 10 people.

It didn't stop there, Europeans and the role of Indo-Europe were gathered behind the Depok Stadium to be held prisoners.

Violence also targets ethnic Ambon and Manado. This ethnic group was considered in collaboration with the Dutch government and military during the colonialism period.

In addition to looting and dismantling, the Preparatory Period is also said to be accompanied by heinous torture and rape.

This situation sparked the anger of pro-Dutch people. They then launched a counter-attack. A number of Ambon people who are pro-Dutch and often hang out in Senen, namely Wimpie, Albert, Mingus Gerardus, and Poleng, turned around to attack the pro-Republic Indonesian youth group.

In fact, Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir was also the target of revenge for pro-Dutch people. He was twice the target of murder by Indo, Ambin, and Manado in December 1945.

The conflict and chaos that occurred during the Preparedness period only faded in 1946, along with the start of the Dutch Military Aggression I. However, the Dutch said the period was in broader terminology.

The period of preparation in Indonesia is said to have started since Japan surrendered to the Allies in 1945 until it was recognized by the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia on December 27, 1949.

Therefore, in several historical writings, the Preparatory Period is said to have taken place since 1945-1949 or 1945-1950.

The term Prepared Period was used by the Dutch because during that period there were often calls Ready! Ready! by the Pro-Republic Indonesia group.

Pemoeda groups will call for the word "Ready! Ready!" while lifting arms when someone is considered an enemy of the Indonesian independence revolution, entering a pro-republic area.

In a book entitled Napak Tilas to the Netherlands, 60 Years of Travel for KMB 1949 Journalists, Rosihan Anwar describes the Period of Preparedness as follows:

"The time was known as a period of struggle: Be prepared. The Dutch told me to get ready for the period. When the night has arrived, the people in the alley and small alley when they hear the signal'ready' then take place behind the barricades of obstacles armed with pointed bamboo, machetes, one, two firearms, such as pistols, are waiting for the arrival of the passing Nica-Netherlands sedans. Gun control occurs, casualties fall on both sides.

Originally, the term prepared was more often used in the writings of history and the results of Dutch academic research. However, this term is rarely heard in the ears of the Indonesian people.

In Indonesia, the Preparatory Period is known as the Indonesian National Revolution or Military Aggression, namely the period of defending independence from the Dutch threat in the 1945-1950 period.

This is the explanation of what is Indonesia's Prepared Period. Hopefully this information can increase the insight of loyal VOI.ID readers.

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