LEBAK - Lebak District Health Office, Banten said cases of tuberculosis (TBC) from January to July 2024 reached 3,030 cases and as many as 31 people were reported to have died. Head of the Daily Executive of the Lebak District Health Office, Budi Mulyanto, said that his party prioritized handling TB by optimizing screening at 44 health centers involving cadres for early case discovery by conducting contact checks from positive sufferers. The examination, he said, was that one patient was at least 10 houses, because the disease could infect other people from 10 people to 100 people to 1,000 people and so on. Screening checks were also carried out on people who had coughs for more than three months. "The early discovery of cases, apart from being treated for healing, also does not infect other people," said Budi in Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Antara, Monday, September 9. According to Budi, TB sufferers certainly need a strong commitment from patients so that they can run well to completion, because the treatment period is quite long, namely, 6-9 months. Supervision of taking medicine and support from family is very important so that sufferers obey the drug and do not break up for six to nine months. People from families with TB, need to be reminded that TB can be cured and one of the main keys to recovering is compliance with taking drugs to completion. "We ask the family to encourage and remind sufferers about the schedule for taking medication," he said. He said that for the prevention of tuberculosis, people can cultivate a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) by not smoking as well as maintaining cleanliness in the environment. In addition, the condition of the house also has good air circulation and consumes clean water. Currently, Lebak Regency already has a TB handling center, including the Maja Health Center, Bayah Health Center, Cibadak Health Center, Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital, Malingping Hospital, and Mandala Health Center. The presence of the TB handling center, in addition to conducting examinations through screening, is also a treatment for patients. "All services for TB, including free treatment, are free of charge," he said.
Based on the number of TB sufferers in Lebak Regency from January to July 2024, 3,030 people, 19 cases including HIV TB, 375 child tuberculosis, and 31 people with tuberculosis were reported to have died.

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