Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi explained the reason why Jokowi chose to spend his final term as president at IKN.

"The Garuda Palace where the president works as head of government can be used. So it is natural that the president wants to feel the desire to work at the Garuda Palace before the government relay is handed over to the next president. After all, this is his legacy," Hasan explained in a written statement, Monday, September 9.

Hasan menjelaskan meski berencana berkantor di IKN, Jokowi tetap akan melakukan kunjungan kerja ke daerah lain. "Presiden tetap bisa melakukan kunjungan kerja ke daerah lain dengan berangkat dari IKN. Namun, mendelegasikan beberapa agenda ke wakil presiden juga dimungkinkan," kata dia.

Terkait isu reshuffle kabinet dalam waktu dekat, Hasan mengatakan hal itu memungkinkan sesuai hak prerogatif Jokowi sebagai presiden. "Itu sepenuhnya hak prerogatif presiden. Jabatan kabinet yang kosong menjelang 20 Oktober bisa diisi plt maupun pejabat definitif," pungkas Hasan.

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