JAKARTA Public policy observer Agus Pambagio suspects that the discourse of the Jakarta governor candidate Ridwan Kamil (RK) to create the Sahabat Lansia program is only a tool to increase popularity ahead of the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

According to him, apart from being unrealistic, promises ahead and during the campaign cannot necessarily be realized by regional head candidates. Moreover, there is no legal umbrella that requires elected regional head candidates to realize campaign promises.

"I don't know the details yet, he only said that (The Friends of the Elderly Program), the meeting hasn't yet. Moreover, what was promised in the campaign was not necessarily realized. I suspect this is only to seek popularity from the discourse of the program being carried out," explained Agus, Sunday, September 8, 2024.

Previously, during the declaration of Blessing Volunteers in East Jakarta, last weekend, RK claimed to have several humanist programs for Jakarta residents, one of which was the Elderly Friends. Through this program, children in each region are invited to visit and communicate with the elderly Jakartan.

"So there is an intergenerational communication transfer. So that children do not live in their generation, but get wisdom from their parents," said RK.

However, the purpose of the program initiated by the former Governor of West Java is still being questioned by Agus Pambagio. This is because the communication method between children and the elderly has differences and is not necessarily understood by each other.

"What is the goal? Indeed, I can afford it? I and my child sometimes don't connect. What do you want to communicate, what is the way to communicate? For me, it's not clear about the program," said Agus.

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