The North Kalimantan Regional Police (Kaltara) again provided assistance to toddlers who were stunted in Tarakan in the form of nutritious food and vitamins.

"In an effort to overcome stunting in toddlers, North Kalimantan Police and Tarakan Police personnel visited and provided assistance to stunting children in Tarakan City on Friday, September 6," said Head of Public Relations of the North Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Budi Rachmat, Antara, Sunday, September 8.

The visit aims to pay direct attention to children who are stunted and provide assistance in the form of nutritious food and vitamins to support their growth and development.

One of the stunting toddlers visited was Nur Aisyah who was 11 months old, a resident of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman RT 01 Karang Anyar Village, West Tarakan District, Tarakan City.

With this assistance, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on children who are stunted and increase public awareness of the importance of nutrition and health for children's growth and development.

The North Kalimantan Regional Police together with the Nunukan Police helped deal with stunting in Nunukan. The Kaltara Police together with the Nunukan Police made visits to the homes of residents whose toddlers were stunted.

Adapun yang menjadi tempat kunjungan stunting adalah rumah warga di Kelurahan Selisun, Kecamatan Nunukan Selatan, Kabupaten Nunukan. Balita yang dikunjungi di antaranya Nazriel Izzan Khairullah usia 1 tahun 3 bulan, Aldiano Sergius Tome Bana usia 1 tahun dan rumah kamur usia 3 tahun 9 bulan.

During the visit, the group also provided assistance with food packages and conveyed a message to pay attention to the nutrition of their toddlers, good sanitation and proper parenting for the better growth and development of children.

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