Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said he would strengthen regulations related to sustainability in the world of aviation. This step was taken as an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation sector.

"We at the Ministry of Transportation plan to strengthen regulations related to flight sustainability, to ensure that this industry not only grows economically, but also in line with environmental sustainability principles," he said in an official statement, written Sunday, September 8.

Budi said that aviation is one of the sectors that contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the sustainability aspect in the aviation industry must continue to be considered.

We must start switching from fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly energy sources. The implementation of the concept of "green aviation" and the development of "smart airports" are concrete steps that we must push forward," he said.

Budi also emphasized the importance of collaboration strategies and improving the quality of human resources in the aviation sector, to build a competitive future aviation industry.

Furthermore, Budi said the Ministry of Transportation also continues to encourage digital transformation in the aviation sector, through various training and certification programs, which are designed to improve the skills and capabilities of professionals in this field.

"With a high population of productive age, we have a demographic bonus that can be a major force in building a tough and competitive aviation industry. The key to achieving this success is to improve the quality of our human resources through upskilling and digital literacy," said the Minister of Transportation.

In the future, continued Budi, the Ministry of Transportation will focus on improving digital infrastructure at airports, improving flight services, strengthening international cooperation, and strengthening regulations and policies that support the creation of an innovative, efficient, and sustainable aviation ecosystem.

"These are all part of our efforts to ensure that the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045 can be realized," he said.

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