JAKARTA - The management of the Medical Hospital (RS) and the DKI Jakarta Health Office (Dinkes) have complied with the invitation from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD in the Meeting Room of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Gambir, Central Jakarta. His arrival was in order to clarify and resolve the issue of prohibiting the hijab of prospective employees who would be received at the Medistra Hospital.

The legislator of the PKS faction, Muhammad Thamrin, said that the meeting which took place on Friday, September 6, was aimed at getting real information. Because, there are many questions about the problem.

"Today (the issue of the hijab, ed) is clear. God willing, this is also good news for Muslims who want to work as medical personnel at the hospital. Medistra, President Director (Managing Director) of Medistra Hospital dr. Agung Budisatria does allow and give privileges to Muslims wearing hijabs, of course in a uniform determined by the management of Medistra Hospital," Thamrin said in his statement, quoted on Sunday, September 8.

With the issue of banning the use of the hijab clarified, Thamrin stated that there were no more problems related to it.

Moreover, this is a blessing for Muslims and children of other religious nations, so that there will be no more discriminatory actions in a country that upholds diversity and Pancasila as the basis of the state.

"We also appreciate the sanctions given by the management of Medistra Hospital to the officers who conducted the discriminatory interview," said Thamrin.

The president director of Medistra Hospital, dr. Agung explained that this polemic had also been clarified to the DKI MUI and the Central MUI. His party is grateful and grateful for this very good and solution meeting.

"Adding improvements, including the uniform model and there is no prohibition regarding wearing the hijab, so there are no more polemics below," said Agung.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Health Service Division of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, dr. Savitri Handayana, who also participated in the meeting, expressed her gratitude to the PKS faction for initiating today's meeting with the hospital. Medistra, so that in the future all existing polemics can be followed up by the hospital. Medistra

"Hopefully this will be the answer to the wider community for the follow-up to the hospital. Medistra," said Savitri.

At the end of the meeting, another PKS faction legislator, Muhammad Fatih conveyed about the form of tolerance in this beloved country of Indonesia. He gave an example of how one of the Indonesian volleyball athletes, Megawati, who had worked abroad, became known as an athlete who maintains her hijab.

"Hopefully this will be a lesson for all parties in applying tolerance and upholding human rights," said Fatih.

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