JAKARTA - The candidate for the Governor of Jakarta to support PDIP and Hanura, Pramono Anung, responded to the idea of a candidate for Governor of Jakarta Ridwan Kamil regarding the procurement of cars to vent as a psychological service for Jakarta residents.
According to Pramono, if he feels stressed, he just needs to pour out his heart to himself.
"Yes, I'm just talking to myself. I don't want to vent with other people. Anyway, when it comes to venting, I'm with myself," said Pramono.
Pramono's deputy governor assistant candidate, Rano Karno, also responded to the idea of a vented car containing psychologists to serve residents. Rano invited RK to build an idea that would be carried out if he was elected governor of Jakarta. However, according to him, the concept of a car venting around is not very effective.
"Hahaha, don't bother with mobile psychologists, already. Yes, of course every time we have a mission, we have a goal. We don't have to badmouth which one," said Rano when met in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Monday, September 2.
Jakarta's congestion, Rano admitted, does cause stress for residents who are mobilized every day. Moreover, on weekdays, millions of Jabodetabek residents are involved in activities in Jakarta.
According to him, what needs to be prioritized in handling congestion is increasing the affordability of public transportation access.
If they win the Jakarta Pilkada, Rano admits that he will continue with the plan to develop the mode of transportation from the previous governors.
"Bang Yos made a busway. Imagine if there was no busyway in the past, stop this Jakarta. Bang Foke (Fauzi Bowo) also made MRTs of all kinds, Ahok, then Bang Anies," explained Rano.
"Jakarta already has a plotting. Moreover, now the DKI APBD budget has been knocked, approved by the DPRD. The 2024-2025 program budget cannot be the new governor of the new Deputy Gubermur, then another job. This must be done first," he added.
Previously, RK admitted that he would create a program for the mental health of Jakarta residents. One of them is to provide mental consultation services with mobile psychologists.
"We are preparing a car to vent. A vehicle contains a consular, a psychiatrist is being expanded everywhere. So, people's mental health is stressed, they can vent, which so far they may have confided in cellphones via IG stories," explained RK, some time ago.
RK said this problem was a big challenge for him. Because, he said, Jakarta is in the top 10 cities that have a stress level in the world according to research.
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