Based on the results of an investigation into the discovery of the bodies of two married couples (couples) with the initials BK (70) and RB (65) at Green Lake Housing, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Thursday, September 6, the police found the facts of the findings of the orangutan notebook and family heritage.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said, when the book was examined, there was a message stating that the victim had a number of debts to pay. However, regarding how much debt the police did not disclose.

"He said he still has debts to pay," Zain told reporters at the Tangerang City Metro Police, Friday, September 6.

Not only that, the two victims also left messages related to their inheritance to be shared with their families.

"The notebook is there, there are words if he dies, later his inheritance can be taken by his family," he said.

In the notebook it is also written, the victim wants his body cremated and his ashes thrown into the sea.

"His body was cremated and his ashes dumped into the sea," he said.

A couple from BK and RB were found dead at their home in the Green Lake area, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Thursday, September 5, at 11.00 WIB.

When found, the two bodies had stab wounds and a sharp knife (sajam) was found.

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