JAKARTA - The Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, responded to a viral upload on social media regarding him sitting at the table in front of the PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono some time ago. In social media, Gibran is considered rude.

Gibran said that what he was sitting on was not a table, but a chair. The chair seems taller because it is designed like a tribune.

"It's not a table, but a chair with a step, you know. It's like a tribune, ”said Gibran when confirmed, reported by Era.id, Monday, March 29.

Jokowi's son said that at first he was reluctant to sit in that place. But then it was Minister Basuki who asked him to sit there so that his seats could face each other.

"Asked Mr. Basuki (sit there). So that it looks mubeng (circular), "he said.

The video also shows artist Sardono W. Kusumo. At that time they were visiting the MasDon Art Center, which is a building owned by Sardono. Sardono himself sat in the lower chair beside Gibran and faced Basuki.

When confirmed separately, Sardono himself said that what Gibran was sitting on was not the table. That object is a seat where the audience will sit when the art performance event takes place.

"If the seats below are usually used by invited guests," he said.

Sardono also confirmed that if Gibran sat down, Basuki asked him to sit in a higher place. "At first Mas Gibran sat beside Pak Basuki. Then Pak Basuki was asked to sit on the top because we were in discussion, ”he said.

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