JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, attended the welcoming ceremony for the State Head of the Vatican City as well as the Head of the Holy See Government, Pope Francis at the State Palace today. Puan said that the arrival of the Holy Father was an important and meaningful moment for peace and tolerance between religious believers.

Pope Francis came to the State Palace by riding the Zennix Innova and was greeted by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Indonesian Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. On foot, they then headed to the State Palace yard to attend the ceremony to welcome state visits.

After the welcoming ceremony, Pope Francis then held a one-on-one meeting with President Jokowi accompanied by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Vatican Foreign Minister Cardinal Pietro Parolin. After that, the Holy Father entered the State Palace Hall to meet the Heads of Institutions including Puan, the ranks of the Ministers of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, civil society, and the diplomatic corps and delivered his speech.

Puan appreciated Pope Francis for choosing Indonesia as one of the destination countries on his apolytholic travel agenda. Indonesia became the first destination country in Southeast Asia for Pope Francis' agenda this time.

"It is an honor and pride for us that Indonesia received the visit of the Holy Father. This is a very important and meaningful moment, especially in the context of strengthening harmony between religious communities," said Puan, Wednesday, September 4.

" Pope Francis' visit underscores the importance of human values that we must always uphold, especially in the midst of global dynamics full of challenges and war in various parts of the world," continued the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

Puan responded to Pope Francis' speech which she considered to have the same spirit as Indonesia in upholding the values of togetherness, peace, and tolerance.

"Hopefully Pope Francis' visit will add to the spirit of brotherhood in Indonesia, and the values taught by the Holy Father will be an example for all of us," said Puan.

According to the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Pope Francis' presence in the country reflects international recognition of Indonesia's commitment to promoting harmony and peace. In particular, said Puan, in the midst of a multi-cultural society.

"Indonesia as one of the largest Muslim countries has long been known as a nation capable of living in harmony in the midst of religious, ethnic and cultural diversity. This was also conveyed by the Holy Father," he explained.

Puan highlighted how Pope Francis received a warm welcome from the Indonesian people. A warm welcome was seen when Pope Francis arrived yesterday, Wednesday (3/5) where at several points of the capital city that the Holy Father had passed, many residents stood neatly greeting and waving enthusiastically at the car carrying Pope Francis.

Pope Francis also seemed to reply to the wave of people's hands that welcomed his arrival. Not only that, various community leaders and elements also welcomed the arrival of Pope Francis. The warm welcome from the Indonesian people is also seen on various social media platforms.

"This is proof that the Indonesian people uphold tolerance, which can be seen how citizens from various religions, ethnicities, and cultures, are happy to welcome the arrival of Pope Francis," said Puan.

Furthermore, Puan revealed that the meeting with Pope Francis at the Palace took place solemnly, and all the audience was impressed with the speech of the Holy Father. In his speech, Pope Francis emphasized that Indonesia should continue to maintain tolerance and harmony in Indonesia which consists of many cultures, ethnicities, languages and religions.

Puan hopes that Pope Francis' visit will further strengthen the cross-religious dialogue that has been well established in accordance with the theme of Pope Francis' visit, namely faith, brotherhood and defending.

"Let's make this historic moment a reminder of the importance of maintaining and caring for our togetherness as a large and diverse nation," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Puan asked all elements of the nation to make Pope Francis' arrival a symbol of attachment to brotherhood and tolerance.

"Show the world that Indonesia is a country that upholds democracy, peace and tolerance," said Puan.

For information, this is the second time that the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has met with Pope Francis. Previously, Puan accompanied the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia who was also her mother, Megawati Soekarnoputri during a special audience with Pope Francis at the Archipelago Palace, Vatican, on December 18, 2023.

During the meeting, the issue of world peace and the importance of the Indonesian nation to continue to maintain tolerance and religious harmony became the focus of discussion.

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