OKU - Police officers from the Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Resort, South Sumatra, evacuated the body of a woman who was found burned to death in a rubber plantation in the Sri Mulya area, Sinar Peninjauan District today. "The victim Siti Maimunah (60) was found dead this morning with burns," said OKU Police Chief AKBP Imam Zamroni in Baturaja, Wednesday, September 4. She explained that the victim was first found by her husband Neli (60) who was looking for the victim's whereabouts in the rubber plantation at the crime scene (TKP). The victim is known to have said goodbye to his family to go to his rubber plantation in Block F, Sri Mulya Village on Tuesday (3/9/2024) at around 14.00 WIB. "This victim is used to doing activities in the garden to tap rubber trees," he said. However, the victim did not come home until the family decided to follow to the garden area not far from his house. Arriving at the scene, he said, the victim's husband found his garden on fire, so the witness tried to extinguish the fire so that it would not spread widely. "After the fire was successfully extinguished, the witness found the victim lying on the ground dead with burns on the cheek, waist and left leg," he explained. The police chief said that his party was currently conducting an investigation to reveal the exact cause of the fire in the garden that caused the victim to die.
"The victim's body has now been evacuated to the funeral home for proper burial by the family," he said.

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