JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan finds it difficult to join as a cadre because political parties (political parties) are currently being held hostage by power. A political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Andriadi Achmad, assessed that Anies must be introspective on his current status, which is a 'political turmoil' after failing to be promoted by political parties to run for the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"Anies needs to introspect that joining or establishing political parties is a necessity to exist as a political figure," Andriadi told VOI, Wednesday, September 4.

Actually, according to Andriadi, in the current political constellation it is not appropriate for Anies to sentence him to the term 'all political parties are held hostage by power'. Because, power cannot be separated from political parties.

"So it must be understood, political parties need to exist and survive in the future. So political parties must ensure their profit and loss in determining their attitudes and policies," he said.

However, Andriadi continued, Anies forgot to ever get a 'free ticket' from PKS to run for governor in the 2017 Jakarta Pilkada. Even though PKS was willing to give his cawagub ticket to Anies during a coalition with Gerindra in the 2017 Pilkada.

Likewise in the 2024 presidential election, PKS must sincerely support Anies who is paired with the chairman of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin).

"(Pilkada) 2017 free tickets were given PKS even without compensation. Whereas previously, the Jakarta Pilkada pair was Sandiaga Uno-Mardani Ali Sera. Then PKS cadres took off their cawagub tickets for Anies Baswedan. Even after Sandiaga Uno resigned, PKS did not get the Deputy Governor's quota," explained Andriadi.

"Likewise in the 2024 presidential election. Anies-Cak Imin's declaration without consultation and knowledge from the members of the coalition of changes, Democrats and PKS. But PKS remains willing to support Anies-Cak Imin," he continued.

PKS, added Andriadi, also firmly declared the AMAN pair (Anies Baswedan - Sohibul Iman) for Jakarta in early June 2024. However, Anies was unable to complete the seat threshold (20 percent) for nomination because PKS needed 4 more seats so that the road disbanded in early August.

Because political parties, said Andriadi, PKS certainly has a political count of profit-loss when taking a stance to approach the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) and support Ridwan Kamil in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. PKS's attitude was then considered as if to leave Anies in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada contestation.

"Joining with KIM, PKS gets cawagub Suswono paired with RK and is likely to get a ministerial position in Prabowo - Gibran's cabinet," said Andriadi.

In fact, NasDem and PKB, which originally planned to support Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Jakarta regional elections, instead turned their way into KIM.

"It's natural that PKS, PKB and NasDem have withdrawn to nominate Anies in the 2024 Jakarta regional elections, because Anies Baswedan is not anyone within the three political parties," said Andriadi.

Therefore, according to him, Anies Baswedan's position is in a position that is politically unlucky in the 2024 Pilkada contestation, which is a failure in the nomination of Jakarta 1.

"The right term is addressed to Anies Baswedan now as a political homeless person," he concluded.

Previously, the Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Syuro Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid, was surprised by Anies Baswedan's statement that he was reluctant to enter a political party because he was held hostage by power. HNW also questioned which political parties are currently being held hostage by power.

"If we PKS in fact we used to nominate Mr. Anies in 2017, in 2024 to nominate Mr. Anies again we did not feel hostage, and when we nominated Mr. Anies for the gubernatorial election in Jakarta, we were also not injured. If at that time Mr. Anies had filled 4 seats, who was injured, no one was injured," said HNW at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 3.

"Or if for example the Constitutional Court reads out the verdict, it's actually August 1, but it's only been read out on August 20. If it's read out on August 5, no one will be held hostage. PKS will automatically nominate Mr. Anies," he continued.

HNW then revealed evidence that his party was not taken hostage by the authorities. He said PKS was free to form a coalition with any party in the 2024 Pilkada.

"But this is what is happening now, and that the evidence of PKS is not being held hostage, is that in regional elections outside Jakarta, PKS is in coalition with other parties, not entirely with power. For example, in West Java we are with NasDem, for example in West Sumatra we are with Gerindra, in North Maluku we are with hhanura. For example, in the NTT gubernatorial election with the Democrats, where is it being held?" said HNW.

"We do not feel held hostage, we are free free! We form a coalition with various groups, sometimes even alone, in South Tangerang we are fought by all parties. In Depok we are only alone with Golkar, we fight against all of them, where they are held hostage, we do not feel hostage," he said.

If Anies fails to run for the 2024 gubernatorial election, according to HNW, that is the reality that must be accepted by the former governor of DKI Jakarta. He asked Anies to relax with the reality.

"That Mr. Anies then did not get a boat to sail, yes, that's a reality that Mr. Anies has accepted with a legowo, I don't think we all need to sharpen it, let alone convey actual disproportionate assessments," said HNW.

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