JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) deposited an installment of Rp. 500 million into the state treasury. This installment came from the former Deputy Chairman of Commission VI of the House of Representative (DPR) who was convicted in the bribery case for the procurement of the Riau-1 PLTU project, Eni Maulani Saragih.

"The prosecutor for the execution of the KPK on March 23 has made a deposit to the state treasury in the amount of Rp. 500 million, which is the installment of replacement money from the total replacement money of Rp. 5,087,000,000 and 40 thousand Singapore dollars," said Acting Spokesperson for KPK Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri in his written statement, Monday, March 29th.

This replacement money payment is based on the Corruption Court Decision at the Central Jakarta District Court Number: 100/Pid.Sus/TPK/2018/PN.JktPst dated March 1, 2019.

Eni, a former politician from the Golkar Party, is also serving a sentence at the Class IIB Woman Prison, Tangerang.

She was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment with a fine of 200 million subsidiary 2 months in prison, and deprivation of political rights for 3 years after completing her sentence.

In addition, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) also deposited the fine money of the convict, Leonardo Jusminarta Prasetyo. The money that was deposited into the state treasury amounted to IDR 250 million. This is based on the Decision of the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court Number: 67/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN.JktPst dated March 1, 2021.

Leonardo Jusminarta Prasetyo was convicted of bribery against a member of IV BPK RI, Rizal Djalil. The President Commissioner of PT. Minarta Dutahutama was sent to the Tangerang Class I Prison to serve a reduced sentence of 2 years while in detention.

"The KPK will continue to collect fines and replacement money from the convicts as income for the state treasury from asset recovery for corruption crimes handled by the KPK," said Ali.

This was done in order to provide a deterrent effect on the corruptors and provide lessons for the community.

"As a deterrent effect, the Corruption Eradication Commission demands fines, replacement money, and confiscation of assets resulting from criminal acts for the income of the state treasury," he concluded.

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