JAKARTA - Chairman of the Special Committee or the DPR's Hajj Special Committee, Nusron Wahid, said that his party had not found any criminal elements related to the distribution of quotas in the 2024 Hajj.

This was conveyed by Nusron after a hearing (RDP) with the Head of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), Fadlun Imansyah in Senayan, Monday, September 2, evening.

"As the chairman of the special committee, I said, I have not seen any criminal realm. It is still very raw," said Nusron.

Nusron revealed that so far the DPR's Hajj Special Committee has not yet drawn conclusions regarding the existence of criminal elements even though it has found indications.

"Our indications are there, but I can't tell the public. Because I think the data is raw. So we need to process it again," he said.

The Golkar politician emphasized that his party still needs to explore information from other parties. He said, investigating the violation of the distribution of quotas for organizing the 2024 Hajj was not easy.

"In our context, the investigation must cover both sides. We have to receive information from the authorities, how, from the perpetrators, from BPKH. It's too early for me to conclude for now," said Nusron.

Sementara sebelumnya, Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) menegaskan, transfer nilai manfaat atau dana untuk pembayaran penyelenggaraan ibadah haji kepada Kementerian Agama RI, tidak melebihi pagu yang telah ditetapkan.

This was conveyed by the Head of BPKH Fadlun Imansyah when giving an explanation in a public hearing meeting with the Special Committee (Pansus) on the Right to Implement Hajj 2024 DPR RI, Monday, September 2, evening.

"In practice, we will transfer according to request. If we do not transfer according to our request, it will be wrong. Based on Government Regulation (PP) Number 5 of 2018, we convey that BPKH transfers according to request," said Fadlun.

According to Fadlun, BPKH transferred the value of the benefits for organizing the 2024 Hajj amounting to Rp 7.88 trillion according to the Ministry of Religion's request. However, the amount was questioned by the Hajj Anggaket Special Committee because it was lower with the value of the benefits agreed in the meeting between the DPR RI and the government.

Supposedly, BPKH should have prepared funds of IDR 8.2 trillion to support the operations of the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage. However, the Ministry of Religion on January 10, 2024, changed the formation of the distribution of the number of congregational quotas to 213,320 for regular Hajj, and 27,680 for special Hajj.

"If what is agreed at the panja meeting assumes 221,720 regular hajj quotas and 19,280 special hajj quotas, the value of benefits set is IDR 8.2 trillion," said Fadlun.

Nevertheless, Fadlun said, the difference was followed by the change in the amount of the value of benefits requested by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion to Rp 7.88 trillion.

"Based practice, if in financial management, as long as it is still under the corridor and the determination of the ceiling, for us it can be done. What is not allowed is that if there is an expenditure above the ceiling that is determined, it must be re-approved," said Fadlun.

"So we still hold the ceiling of IDR 8.2 trillion, as a ceiling. But in practice, we will transfer it according to demand," he concluded

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