JAKARTA - Former detention center (Rutan) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Elviyanto said illegal levies (extortion) were not only in the form of monthly contributions. However, there is also bullying that takes place every day.

Elviyanto is a private party convicted in the bribery case for managing garlic imports. He was presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) in the trial of alleged extortion at the KPK Detention Center.

"When I was the coordinator (detention) every day (asked for money)," he said at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 2.

His statement in the trial regarding this matter was also stated in the Elviyanto Investigation Report (BAP) which stated that the amount given per day was from Rp. 200 thousand to Rp. 300 thousand.

"Every day the officers want to go home, they have to be given money," said Elviyanto.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) who heard the statement also emphasized that the extortion that occurred at the KPK Detention Center was not only in the form of monthly contributions. However, there is also a demand for money every day.

"monthly money, yes too, daily, yes too?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," answered Elviyanto.

In this case, there were 15 former employees who became defendants. One of them was the former Head of the KPK Detention Center, Achmad Fauzi, who was charged with extortion of Rp. 6.3 billion.

The defendants involved in extortion include the former Acting Head of the 2018 KPK Detention Center Deden Rochendi, former Acting Head of the 2021 KPK Detention Center Ristanta and the Head of Security and Order (Kamtib) of the KPK in 2018-2022, Hengki.

Then the former officers at the KPK detention center, namely Erlangga Permana, Sopian Hadi, Ari Rahman Hakim, Muhammad Ridwan, Mahdi Aris, Suharlan, Ricky Rachmawanto, Wardoyo, Muhammad Abduh, and Ramadhan Ubaidillah A.

They are said to have committed extortion at the KPK detention center from May 2019 to May 2023. They are considered to have violated their authority to gain personal gain.

In this case, the defendants are believed to have violated Article 12 letter e of the Corruption Crime Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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