JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that as many as three people were still in search of an oil refinery explosion belonging to PT. Pertamina in Balongan, Indramayu, West Java.

Head of the  Disaster Data and Communication Committee of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Raditya Jati, said that as a result of the fire, five people were seriously injured and 15 others were slightly injured. This data is recorded at 08.00 western Indonesia time.

"Based on a report from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Indramayu Regency Rapid Response Team (TRC), the burning of three units of premium 42 T 301 A/B/C tank had an impact on five villages including Balongan Village, Sukareja Village, Rawadalem Village, Sukaurip Village, and Tegalurung Village,” said Raditya in his statement, Monday, March 29.

Meanwhile, 912 people were evacuated. The refugees included 220 people in the GOR of the Pertamina Bumi Patra Complex, 300 in the Pendopo of the Indramayu Regent's Office, and 392 in the Indramayu Islamic Center Building.

Until now, TRC BPBD Indramayu Regency is still collecting data on the burning location of the oil refinery. TRC BPBD Indramayu also coordinates with the local National Army/National Police and the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) to evacuate local residents and workers.

"The current condition reported is still in the process of extinguishing the fire and residents are expected not to panic and always follow the direction of the authorities to prevent unwanted things from happening," said Raditya.

As is known, at 12:45 a.m. this morning, an incident occurred which caused a fire in the T301G tank. Oil Refinery owned by PT. Pertamina is located in Balongan Village, Balongan District, Indramayu Regency, West Java. The cause of the fire is not yet certain.

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