JAKARTA - The former detainee of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) detention center, Dono Purwoko, revealed the tariff for illegal levies (extortion) set by officers. The value, starting from Rp. 5 million to Rp. 20 million every month. Dono Purwoko, one of the witnesses presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) at the trial of the extortion case at the KPK detention center. He is the former Head of Construction VI Division of PT Adhi Karya who was involved in the corruption case of the construction of the campus building of the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN) in Minahasa, North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) with a state financial loss of Rp19.7 billion. It started when the legal adviser, one of the defendants, mentioned the Dono Minutes of Investigation (BAP) regarding the deposit of a sum of money by the detainees to Yoory Corneles Pinontoan as the coordinator. "In question number 9 in the BAP, the investigators asked the following questions. You explain the chronology of the background of the monthly money at the Guntur 2021-2023 branch of the KPK detention center? Then the witness answered that later I found out Yoory was the coordinator after a few days after undergoing isolation. Is that right, brother?" asked the legal adviser during the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, September 2. "Yes," replied Dono. Then, it was mentioned about the deposit value of Rp. 20 million each month. This value only applies to the first four months. "The monthly fee is from the following members, first IDR 20 per month for the first 4 months. Is that right?" he asked. "Then in the amount of Rp. 15 million per month for detainees, which amounted to 5 months or 6 months, is that right?" he continued. "Yes," replied Dono, agreeing to the question. Then, the prisoners must pay Rp. 10 million per month. The price to be paid is for the prisoners who have languished 7 to 8 months. "Then in the amount of Rp. 5 million months for prisoners who have occupied 8 months and over until it is finished, right?" asked the legal adviser of one of the defendants. "That's right," said Dono. Meanwhile, in this case there were 15 former employees who became defendants. One of them was former Head of the KPK Detention Center Achmad Fauzi who was charged with extortion amounting to Rp6.3 billion. The defendants involved in extortion include the former Acting Head of the 2018 KPK Detention Center Deden Rochendi, former Acting Head of the 2021 KPK Detention Center Ristanta and the Head of Security and Order (Kamtib) of the KPK in 2018-2022, Hengki. Then the former officers at the KPK detention center, namely Erlangga Permana, Sopian Hadi, Ari Rahman Hakim, Muhammad Ridwan, Mahdi Aris, Suharlan, Ricky Rachmawanto, Wardoyo, Muhammad Abduh, and Ramadhan Ubaidillah A.
They are said to have committed extortion at the KPK detention center from May 2019 to May 2023. They are considered to have violated their authority to gain personal gain. In this case, the defendants are believed to have violated Article 12 letter e of the Corruption Crime Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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