JAKARTA - Pendaftaran untuk Anugerah Jurnalistik Adinegoro (AJA) 2024 kini resmi dibuka. Wartawan dari seluruh Indonesia diundang untuk mengirimkan karya jurnalistik terbaik mereka melalui portal https://s.id/ADINEGORO2024 hingga batas waktu 31 Desember 2024.

The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, expressed his hope that the 2024 AMA could produce quality journalistic works. "With prizes of hundreds of millions of rupiah, the 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award must produce the number one work in Indonesia," said Hendry in a meeting at the Central PWI office, the Press Council Building, Jakarta, which was also attended by the Chairperson of the 2024 AAJA Organizing Committee, Dr. Artini.

AJA 2024 competes in five main categories: print, online / cyber media, videos, audio, and photos. Each winner in each category will receive a prize of IDR 100 million.

This year, AJA 2024 also introduced the Campus Press Award as part of an effort to encourage the interest of journalism among millennials and Generation Z. This step is expected to revive the spirit of journalism on campuses and increase social awareness among students.

The support for the Campus Press Award also came from universities, as shown by Amelia's presence, Public Relations of the LSPR Institute for Communication and Business, in the 2024 AJA preparation meeting. LSPR and the AJA committee are currently exploring further cooperation to make this event a success.

In addition to awards for campus press, PWI Pusat also provides special awards for the work of citizen journalism (citizen journalism) published on social media. Both categories of this award offer prize money of Rp. 25 million.

The chairman of the 2024 AMA Organizing Committee, Dr. Artini, emphasized that his party is ready to implement the direction of the General Chairperson of PWI so that the 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award is widely known by the public, not only limited to the press.

Various supporting activities will be held to promote AJA 2024. These include Campus Press Training, Adinegoro Exhibition, Visit Media, Citizen Journalism Meeting, and visits to Kampung Adinegoro. "We are trying to involve as many people as possible and capture the best journalistic works for the 2024 Adinegoro Journalism Award," said Dr. Artini.

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