JAKARTA - Surya Paloh was re-elected as Chairman of the NasDem Party for the third period. At the same time, the NasDem Party launched a book for Surya entitled "Indonesian Restoration".

This book was written by the Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the West Java NasDem Party, Saan Mustopa. Saan wrote this book since 2016, which was formulated from the results of a dialogue with Surya.

"From the beginning of 2016, there have been many ideas, ideas, Mr. Surya's thoughts about the nation, about the country. Especially consistency related to the spirit and national value of Pak Surya," said Saan when met at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Tuesday, August 27.

Surya's thoughts on the restoration of this nation, according to Saan, were not only expressed in his ideas, but also in the practice of the NasDem Party organization.

"Well, this is what I am interested in. Earlier there was a key like this, Pak Surya was the one who didn't want the change to be radically. But Pak Surya was also a political actor, he saw how come this restoration seems so slow, right," explained Saan.

Saan hopes that all readers of the book "Indonesian Restoration" launched today can follow in the footsteps of Surya Paloh's thoughts.

"When we transform from a new order to reforms that have been around for almost 20 years, how come it's like that slow. So Pak Surya wants to offer a new alternative called restoration of Pak Surya's thoughts. What? Want to restore the values of the spirit of good nationality and so on," he explained.

It is known that the Nasdem Party held a Congress III which was held for 3 days, from Sunday to Tuesday, August 25-27, 2024. The congress was attended by thousands of NasDem Party administrators and cadres from the central to the city district, as well as invitees.

On the third day of the Congress, Surya Paloh was re-elected as Chairman of the NasDem Party for the period 2024-2029. Thus, Surya served as Chairman of NasDem for the third period for the next five years.

Then, the High Council also instructed Surya to arrange the management of the Central Leadership Council of the NasDem Party for the period 2024-2029.

Screenshot: YouTube NasDem TV

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