JAKARTA - Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Laksana Tri Handoko, revealed the reasons for the minimum standard of doctoral education (S-3) in the recruitment of Candidates for State Civil Apparatus (CASN/CPNS) at the state-owned research institute.

"Indeed, to become a researcher at BRIN, currently the minimum qualification is the S-3. Why is that? Because yes we are following global standards," he said in a broadcast on BRIN's official YouTube channel quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 27. Yandoko revealed that the world standard for a permanent researcher in a state institution today is to have a minimum S-3 equivalent education.

He said this is different from the recruitment of private research and research institutions (R&D), where in some positions it only requires minimum education at the undergraduate level or S-1 to be able to work in these research institutions. "If at research institutions at universities, on campus, yes, we should have entered the S-3 level," he said. for applicants who want to become researchers at BRIN, but at this time they have not reached the S-3 education level, said Handoko, applicants can apply to register a degree by research program, or study-based research that is opened by BRIN for people who want to become researchers, but only have S-1 and S-2 education. "So, they can even work with BRIN researchers, as well as be able to earn a degree yes, S-2 and S-3. Before the age of 27, there have even been many S-3," he said.

Tersedia 263 formasi untuk kebutuhan umum, 75 formasi untuk lulusan terbaik, 10 formasi untuk penyandang disabilitas, 125 formasi untuk diaspora, 2 formasi untuk putra dan putri Papua, serta 25 formasi untuk putra dan putri Kalimantan.Tautan pendaftaran CASN di BRIN untuk tahun 2024 dapat diakses melalui situs resmi SSCASN di https://sscasn.bkn.go.id, serta hasil seleksi CASN dapat dilihat di website casn brin.

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