The PDI-P (PDIP) explained that Anies Baswedan had not yet been announced as the governor candidate to be promoted by PDIP until the discourse on the duet of Pramono Anung and Rano Karno appeared in the 2024 Jakarta Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub).

PDIP emphasized that the determination of the cagub-cawagub pair is the prerogative of Ketum Megawati Soekarnoputri who will consider various aspirations of the community including Anies Baswedan, Pramono Anung, Rano Karno, and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

This was confirmed by the Chairman of the 2024 PDIP Regional Election Winning Team, Adian Napitupulu, who denied the circulating rumors that Anies Baswedan and Rano Karno would be announced by Megawati Soekarnoputri today. Adian emphasized that PDIP has not scheduled the announcement of candidate pairs running in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election today.

"When it comes to Anies and so on, yes, the issue, yes. So, that's why we don't talk about issues, yes. However, the fact now is that the PDIP DPP has not decided in Jakarta," said Adian at the PDIP DPP Building, Central Jakarta, Monday (26/8/2024).

Adian emphasized that PDIP respects all parties who want to stay in touch with PDIP, including Anies Baswedan who came to the PDIP DPP office. The reason, he said, was that the party wanted to hear the ideas brought by the figure who wanted to run in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"Why is it important, because we are talking about who manages the region with a budget of Rp. 90 trillion per year. We want those who manage it to really be accountable. So we don't just see electability," explained Adian.

Adian also appealed to all parties to be patient waiting for Megawati's decision regarding the candidates promoted by PDIP. According to Adian, PDIP has full sovereignty in carrying out its candidates.

"So, no one can intervene with PDIP. Moreover, intervene with the General Chair. So because it has not been echoed to be announced. Okay? If that's the case, once again, specifically for Jakarta, Jakarta, East Java, and others that are very strategic, it is the authority of the General Chairperson, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri," explained Adian.

Meanwhile, PDIP DPP Chairman Djarot Saiful Hidayah acknowledged the PDIP's internal aspirations to encourage the duet of Pramono Anung and Rano Karno in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. PDIP, he said, did not lack cadres to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"Aspirations exist. Our aspirations to capture aspirations conveyed from below are called Rano Karno, is there Ahok, is it true or not? There is his name Adian, there is his name Ronny, there is his name Eriko Sotarduga, there is his name Prasetyo, there is his name Andika even, yes it is okay," said Djarot.

It's just that, he said, the final decision remains with Megawati and will most likely announce the candidate pair in the Jakarta gubernatorial election within the next two or three days.

"Still not (Pramono-Rano duet), that's the prerogative of the general chairman, so be patient for two or three days, the general chairman will definitely convey it," said Djarot.

Furthermore, Djarot admitted that Anies had visited the PDIP DPP office, Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta today. According to him, Anies' arrival was not to accept the nomination recommendation from PDIP, but to stay in touch with Rano Karno.

"Indeed, Mr. Anies, we saw that he had come, at Building B we met with Si Doel, Bang Rano. Is that right? Bung Rano Karno. You have to remember that Mr. Rano, Bung Rano is the governor of Banten. Deputy governor of Banten. Mr. Anies is the governor of DKI. The governor of DKI and the governor of Banten may not discuss? Yes, right? Yes. So in order for friendship, to talk about what DKI is actually like in the future? Exchange experiences," concluded Djarot.

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