JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli Kurnia responded to Airin Rachmi Diany's candidacy in the Banten gubernatorial election which was actually promoted by PDIP. Doli said Golkar was more concerned with togetherness with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) for greater interests. It is known that the Golkar Party has officially supported Andra Soni-Dimyati Natakusumah as a cagub and cawagub couple in the 2024 Banten Pilkada. Meanwhile, Airin was actually promoted by PDIP to run with Ade Sumardi.

"Yes, if Mrs. Airin is like what we saw last night, Mr. Bahlil or DPP have given B1KWK to Andra Soni and Pak Dimyati. But in the afternoon, Mrs. Airin has also declared herself a candidate for governor along with Mr. Ade. So of course this is actually a situation that is not easy to deal with by Golkar," said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, August 26. "But we once again say that his choice is based on greater interests. Our togetherness with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition is more about prioritizing the interests of greater togetherness, it is the interests of the nation and state," he continued.

Doli mengatakan, Partai Golkar menghargai sikap politik Airin yang secara syarat dan kompetensi sudah memenuhi untuk mencalonkan diri di Pilgub Banten. Golkar, kata dia, juga memberikan keleluasaan kepada Airin untuk menggunakan hak pribadinya dan atribusi partai secara formal. "Dan kami tidak akan mengusulkan kepada teman-teman DPP untuk memberikan sanksi apapun kepada Ibu Airin, karena itu hak sebagai warga negara ya dijamin konstitusi. Apalagi dia masih menyatakan sampai sekarang adalah kader Partai Golkar, tentu kita memberikan kesempatan juga kepada Ibu Airin," kata Doli.

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