BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java, will again carry out the second phase of controlling illegal buildings in the Puncak tourist area on August 26, 2024.

Secretary of the Bogor Regency Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Anwar Anggana, explained that the control this time will target 196 illegal buildings located from Gantole to Puncak Pass.

The Bogor Regency Government had previously sent three warning letters to the owner of the illegal building and had sealed the building on Wednesday, August 21. The owners were also given the opportunity to demolish their buildings independently.

"Some building owners have started to demolish independently, and we would like to thank them for their high-aware cooperation and awareness," Anwar said in Bogor, quoted from ANTARA.

The Bogor Regency Government is currently intensively structuring the Puncak tourist area. Control has begun with the transfer of street vendors (PKL) to the rest area of Gunung Mas on July 24, 2024.

In controlling this merchant stall, the Bogor Regency Government razed 329 buildings along the Puncak Line, consisting of 185 buildings from Gantole to the rest area of Gunung Mas, and 144 buildings from the Taman Safari Indonesia intersection to the rest area of Gunung Mas.

The Bogor Regency Government also ensures that the economy of street vendors (PKL) in tourist areas will improve after they move to the rest area of Gunung Mas.

The construction of a rest area on an area of 7 hectares belonging to PT Perkebunan Nusantara has been going on since 2020-2021.

The Gunung Mas Rest Area has a capacity of 516 kiosks, consisting of 100 stalls for wet traders such as vegetables and fruit, as well as 416 kiosks for dry traders such as souvenirs and snacks. Each kiosk has an area of 11 square meters, both for wet and dry traders.

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