NUSA Dua - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin was elected by acclamation as Chairman of the Syuro Council of the National Awakening Party (PKB) from the results of the 6th Congress which was held on Saturday and Sunday, August 24-25, 2024.

In his speech, Ma'ruf admitted that he actually planned to spend the remaining time after the end of the Vice President's term of office to return to the pesantren and take care of the students.

However, the kiai and elders of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) suggested that they serve as Chairman of the Shura Council in the next PKB management.

"I intend, after the Vice President's assignment is finished in October, I want to return to the Islamic boarding school to take care of the students. I want to enjoy my old age. But the kiai asked me to be willing to be the Chairman of the Shura Council. If we have asked, it will be difficult," said Ma'ruf at the congress, Nusa Dua, Sunday, August 25.

In addition, Ma'ruf could not refuse the proposal to appoint him as Chairman of the Shura Council because he is one of the founders of PKB. Ma'ruf also served in the same position in 1978.

"I am also the chairman of the first Shura Council, 1978. If I am now the Shura Council again after 26 years, I think it is a MURI record. After 26 years of returning again, in the past Mr. Muhaimin Secretary General, now he has been in the chairman many times," explained Ma'ruf.

On the one hand, Ma'ruf advised the General Chairperson of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar in this new leadership period not to rule out the role of the PKB Syuro Council in making strategic decisions.

Given, in recent times, PKB has been at odds with the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board. PBNU considers PKB in Cak Imin's hands to no longer consider the position of the Shura Council in making party decisions.

"I put forward the conditions, the conditions are not many, that the Shura Council must be positioned properly. Strategic matters must be decided with the Shura Council and the General Chair," he explained.

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin was elected as Chairman of the Syuro Council of the National Awakening Party (PKB) for the period 2024-2029. This was stipulated in the 6th PKB Congress session which was held in Bali.

Initially, PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar explained that the teachers and elders of PKB had deliberation ahead of the congress. In the deliberation, the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) kiai and ulama suggested that Ma'ruf Amin be appointed as Chairman of the PKB Syuro Council.

"Based on the deliberation, the kiai approved and proposed Al Mukarom Professor Doctor Kyai Haji Ma'ruf Amin as Chairman of the Shura Council," said Cak Imin at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Saturday, August 24 evening.

Cak Imin then asked for the approval of thousands of congress participants consisting of PKB cadres and members of the PKB autonomous body (banom). One vote congress participants agreed to the results of the deliberation.

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