The occurrence of a teenage brawl that disturbed the public received serious attention from the Central Java Police. The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol Artanto, invited the whole family, especially parents, to be more proactive in guarding and supervising their children so as not to fall into the wrong association, such as brawls.

"Families are the first bastion in shaping children's characters. Parents need to be more vigilant and always monitor their children's activities and associations," said Kombes Pol Artanto, in a written statement, Sunday, August 25.

As previously reported, there was a brawl incident at the Bandarharjo Health Center Bridge, Semarang, on Friday morning, August 23, raising the concern of many parties. Kombes Pol Artanto emphasized that the police will take firm action against the perpetrators of the brawl according to the applicable law, because this act of violence not only endangers other people but also damages the future of the perpetrators themselves.

As a form of prevention, the Central Java Police will increase patrols in conflict-prone areas and continue to work with various parties to provide education to teenagers about the dangers and bad effects of brawls.

Kombes Pol Artanto also invited the public, especially parents, to be more concerned and play an active role in creating a safe and conducive environment for the younger generation.

"Every child is the hope of our future. When they fall into wrong associations, such as brawls, not only their future is threatened, but also the future of the nation. Let's take care of our children with great care, so that they grow into a generation that is strong, moral, and accomplished."

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