JAKARTA - Residents' settlements in the form of houses and 6 partners in Gang Pelita, RT 07/15, Tanjung Priok Village, Tanjung Priok District, North Jakarta, burned down on Saturday night, August 24.
The fire was triggered by a brawl between two groups of residents of Solo Bone and Pelita 7 which occurred on Jalan Kampung Muara Bahari, RW 15, Tanjung Priok Village, Tanjung Priok District.
Groups of residents involved in the brawl were equipped with various sharp weapons, air rifles and Molotov cocktails. As a result, the Molotov cocktails hit residents' houses until a fire broke out.
The fire incident caused residents around Gang Pelita RT 07 to panic. Some residents immediately contacted the firefighters for requests for extinguishing the fire.
Head of Operations for the North Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. Gatot Sulaeman said his party deployed 13 fire engines with 65 personnel to the fire site to extinguish the fire.
"The object caught fire on the house and a partner belonging to Mr. Tarmidi with a house area of 8 x 8 meters and a partner of 2 x 12 square meters. The fire was extinguished at 21.21 WIB," said Gatot when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, August 25.
A total of 1 family with 4 people and 6 families as many as 24 people were saved from the fire that hit.
"The cause of the fire was a brawl between residents. Residents fought and threw Molotov cocktails at each other and grabbed residents' houses and caused a fire," he said.
After the watering was carried out, the flames were successfully extinguished by 65 firefighters at the fire site.
"There were no casualties and injuries, the loss is estimated at Rp. 90 million," he said.
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