JAKARTA - The government prohibits Eid homecoming this year like 2020. The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the decision to prohibit going home to keep the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination is not disturbed.

"In 2021, homecoming will be eliminated, so that the vaccination efforts that have been carried out can produce the maximum possible health condition as expected," Muhadjir said in a virtual press conference, Friday, March 26.

Muhadjir said the government had implemented programs to deal with COVID-19, such as the implementation of PSBB, micro PPKM, and strengthening of health programs, to vaccinations.

In addition, according to the experience of several long holidays before, the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases occurred due to the high mobility of the community. So that case control is not disturbed along with the vaccination process, a ban on going home is stipulated.

"The high rate of transmission and death, both for the public and health workers due to the COVID-19 outbreak after several long holidays, especially after the Christmas and New Year holidays, including the high number of hospital drills, requires decisive steps to prevent this from happening again," Muhadjir explained.

"The ban on going home will start from May 6 to May 17, 2021." On that day and date, people are advised not to carry out movements or activities outside the region, unless it is really urgent and necessary, "said Muhadjir. .

In implementing this homecoming ban, the COVID-19 vaccination program continues. In addition, the provision of Bansos will be adjusted according to the time and the provision of special assistance in Jabodetabek as last year will be determined later.

"The mechanism for the movement of people and goods during the Idul Fitri holiday will be regulated by the relevant ministries and institutions," said Muhadjir.

"Religious activities to welcome Ramadan and Eid will be regulated by the Ministry of Religion in consultation with the MUI and existing religious organizations," he continued.

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