JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed the Government's statement on the Draft Law on the 2025 State Budget and its Financial Note to the Indonesian House of Representatives. The DPR also asked the Government to prioritize the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) of IDR 3,613.1 trillion for pro-people programs.

"The big figure in the APBN should not only be a symbol of pride, but must serve as an instrument that really brings fantastic changes in the lives of the Indonesian people," said Member of Commission XI, Charles Meikyansah, Tuesday, August 20.

Charles understands, basically every year the number of RAPBNs always increases.

"But the fantastic number of the 2025 State Budget must be used appropriately, transparently and with high accountability in its management. Prioritize pro-people programs," he said.

"The 2025 state budget must be an instrument that really brings fantastic changes to all Indonesian people. The state budget must be an effective tool to improve people's welfare, strengthen the economy, and realize social justice," Charles continued.

This member of the Budget Agency also reminded that the 2025 State Budget must be directed at sectors that directly touch people's daily lives. Charles detailed such as for the health, education, and social sectors which are expected to be used as the main budget allocation next year.

"Development in terms of infrastructure is important, but do not ignore the needs in the people's thrill sector. Mainly for people from vulnerable families," he said.

In the RAPB submitted by President Jokowi, the Government allocated a budget of IDR 722.6 trillion for education, the social protection budget was allocated IDR 504.7 trillion, the health budget was planned at IDR 197.8 trillion, or 5.5 percent of state spending, the food security budget was planned at IDR 124.4 trillion, infrastructure development was budgeted at IDR 400.3 trillion and the regional transfer budget was planned at IDR 919.9 trillion.

"With such a large budget, the Government must ensure that the funds allocated to these sectors are actually managed effectively and efficiently, so that people can feel the benefits directly," said Charles.

According to him, one of the biggest challenges in managing the state budget is supervision. Charles also asked the Government to carry out extra supervision to ensure that each rupiah allocated is used appropriately and transparently to prevent waste and misuse of the budget.

"The government needs to strengthen the monitoring mechanism and ensure that every program financed by the APBN can be clearly accounted for, both by ministries/agencies, as well as the Regional Government (Pemda). Transparency and accountability must be upheld in order to maintain public trust," he explained.

"The public has the right to know and monitor how the budget is used, so they can ensure that the funds derived from their taxes are used for the common good," Charles continued.

A number of parties highlighted President Jokowi who did not mention the increase in the salaries of Civil Servants (PNS) in his speech when delivering the Government's statement on the 2025 State Budget Bill and his Financial Note to the House of Representatives last weekend. Charles hopes that the Government can provide clarity to the public because this issue is quite a public concern.

"Gaji and incentives for civil servants are quite sensitive, especially in the midst of high inflation which makes the price of all needs rise. The government needs to provide a more detailed explanation regarding this matter. Will the plan to increase civil servants' salaries be regulated by the next government?" said the legislator from the East Java IV electoral district.

Furthermore, Charles emphasized the importance of the Government to pay attention to the state debt which has now reached Rp8,500 trillion. Although the debt-to-Domestic Gross Product (GDP) ratio was recorded to have decreased to 38.68 percent, Charles asked the Government to study wisely in terms of debt management and state finances.

Charles said the Government needs to be aware of the Rupiah exchange rate against the Dollar which is estimated to be in the range of Rp. 16,100 per US Dollar, and the 10-year SBN interest rate at 7.1 percent. Including the price of Indonesian crude oil (ICP) which is estimated to be at 82 US Dollars per barrel, oil lifting is estimated at 600 thousand barrels per day and natural gas reaches 1.005 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

"The government must be careful in managing the budget so as not to burden future generations. Therefore, there needs to be a thorough evaluation of the direction and priority of development," said Charles.

On the other hand, Commission XI of the House of Representatives in charge of state financial affairs reminded the Government to ensure that the debt proposed by the Government must be intended for programs that provide maximum benefits to the community. Although the state debt is still within safe limits according to law, Charles said, its management must be prioritized for the needs of the people.

"The government needs to be vigilant in managing the RAPBN. It must be done wisely to ensure that Indonesia's debt can provide maximum benefits for the community," he explained.

"And of course the management of state finances must be carried out in a transparent manner and as much as possible for the people," said Charles.

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