BANDA ACEH - The husband and wife of the Rp164 billion fraudulent investment suspect handled by the Aceh Regional Police have requested a suspension of detention.

"We have proposed a suspension of detention, but until now there has been no response from investigators from the Aceh Police," said Mukhlis Mukhtar, the attorney for two suspects of Rp164 billion in fraudulent investments, in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 25.

The two suspects for the Rp164 billion fraudulent investment were a married couple with the initials S (30) and SHA (31). Both are owners of Yalsa Boutique, a Muslim clothing sales company.

Mukhlis Mukhtar said the request for detention, especially for SHA suspects, was due to humanitarian factors. The reason is that this couple has two children who are still in treatment.

"In addition, our two clients will not run away, do not repeat their actions, and do not lose any evidence. So, the element of detention suspension has been fulfilled," said Mukhlis.

Mukhlis also regretted the detention of his two clients. In fact, during the investigation process the two of them were cooperative and met with Aceh Police investigators every day.

Regarding the total investment funds raised reaching Rp164 billion, Mukhlis emphasized that investigators need to track it down by involving a public accountant. According to him, this case involved not only the two suspects, but also those called "resellers" and their members.

"Our clients were confused when the investment funds collected reached Rp164 billion, and also the number of members or members reached more than 17 thousand people. So, public accountants need to track the investment funds raised, because resellers are also involved," said Mukhlis.

Previously, Aceh Police investigators detained two suspects that allegedly fraudulent investments were allegedly carried out by a clothing sales company with a value of Rp. 164 billion.

"Detention was carried out based on the results of investigations by investigators after the discovery of more than two pieces of evidence and witnesses against the alleged banking crime committed by the two suspects," said the Director of Special Criminal Investigation for the Aceh Regional Police, Kombes Margiyanta.

Head of the Banking Sub-directorate of the Aceh Police Special Crime Investigation Directorate AKBP Erwan said investigators confiscated Rp46 million in cash, laptops, gold in various forms, 87 pieces of gold purchase documents, ATM cards, account books and other evidence.

AKBP Erwan said Yalsa Boutique was an investment that was suspected of being fraudulent and had collected public funds in the form of deposits or investments of up to Rp164 billion. The investment was collected through 202 parties called resellers with about 17,800 members.

The collection of money from the public was carried out by Yalsa Boutique without having a business license from Bank Indonesia and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) from December 2019 to February 2021.

AKBP Erwan said the two suspects were charged under Article 46 paragraph (1) of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning amendments to Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning Banking and Article 2 paragraph (1) letter g, Article 3, and Article 5 paragraph ( 1) Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2010 concerning the prevention and eradication of the crime of money laundering or TPPU.

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