BANGKA TENGAH - The Central Bangka Police, Bangka Belitung revealed the drug distribution network at the tin ore mining site.

"We have succeeded in uncovering cases of drug trafficking, which on average involve tin ore miners and we have secured four perpetrators," said the Head of Ops for the Central Bangka Police, Kompol Yudha Wicaksono, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 25.

"The four actors that we have secured are Ag, Sm, PL and Dd, in which the three perpetrators were the target of the operation," he said.

The four actors are users and distributors whose markets are mostly tin ore miners in various locations.

"We continue to develop this case, because it is a drug network whose link we have to break," continued Kompol Yudha.

The perpetrators were subject to article 114 and article 112 Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narokotika. The threat of a minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

"Currently, we are safe for the perpetrator to develop further cases," he said.

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