JAKARTA - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro refuses to intervene in the United States in the election process in his country.

"I strongly reject the US government's efforts to become the Venezuelan election authority or anywhere in the world," Maduro told reporters.

US President JoeBiden has expressed support for the presidential election to be held again in Venezuela. However, he did not provide an explanation for his attitude.

The presidential election in Venezuela was held on July 28, and the National Election Council appointed Maduro as president-elect for the period 2025-2031.

Aksi-aksi protes merebak keesokan harinya dan menimbulkan bentrokan antara pengunjuk rasa dan polisi. Lebih dari 2.000 orang ditahan atas tuduhan merusak infrastruktur negara, ujaran kebencian, dan terorisme.

The violence lasted for a day before the government finally controlled the situation. A few days later, supporters of Maduro and opposition groups staged a peaceful demonstration, each claiming the victory of the candidates they support.

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