JAKARTA - Information on eating cassava tape and consuming alcohol after being injected with the vaccine will eliminate immunity, or the function of the COVID-19 vaccine is currently being discussed. Is that right?

The spokesman for COVID-19 Vaccination from the Ministry of Health Siti Nadia Tarmizi said that the information was not true.

"(The chain message, red) is a hoax", said Nadia when contacted by VOI, Thursday, March 25.

She emphasized that until now there had been no clinical trials related to this. Thus, the information is untrue and the public is asked not to spread similar messages to other parties.

"It's not true. "There is no such result in clinical trials", she said.

The following is the content of the message:

"Info after the Covid-19 2021 vaccine for those who get the vaccine ...

You can't eat CASSAVA TAPE

Then, for 5 months no drinking containing alcohol. Includes tape. This is very important. Because the function of the vaccine will be completely lost if we consume alcohol.

Tell your parents and beloved relatives. Thanks".

To note, the COVID-19 vaccination program targets 181.5 million recipients. Those targeted are people aged 18 years and over. Later, vaccine recipients will receive twice the injection dose.

Overall, this national vaccination will be carried out from April 2021 to March 2022 and consists of several stages.

In the first phase, the vaccine is intended for 1.5 million health workers. In the second stage, COVID-19 vaccination is for the elderly and public service workers.

The target is 21.5 million elderly and 16.9 million public workers. They are market traders, educators, religious leaders and counselors, representatives of the people, officials, government, civil servants, TNI-Police, tourism officers, public services, public transportation workers, athletes, and media workers. This program lasts until May.

Furthermore, vaccination will be carried out for 63.9 million vulnerable people or people living in areas with a high risk of infection. Then, other communities as many as 77.7 million people.

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