The West Aceh District Attorney carried out the execution of the caning of six people convicted of online gambling and a convicted perpetrator of sexual harassment, centered in the yard of the Class II B Penitentiary Meulaboh.
"The execution of the caning was carried out after the verdict against the seven convicts had permanent legal force," said Head of the Evidence Section of the West Aceh District Attorney, Mawardi, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 15.
There were also convicts who had undergone the execution of the caning, each convict Arfan Mursadi (31 years), previously declared legally and convincingly proven, committed a sexual harassment radius regulated in Article 46 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law and was sentenced to 10 lashes.
However, because the convict has been in prison for 238 days, according to the provisions of the convict, he has only served one lashes, from the total sentence imposed as many as 10 lashes.
Meanwhile, six convicts, Masir, were legally proven to have violated Article 18 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law, including Evi Rijal, who served seven lashes out of a total of 10 lashes, because his sentence was reduced by a period of 58 days.
Then the convict Haldiansyah only served six lashes out of a total of 11 lashes, after the convict served 110 days in prison.
Terpidana M Ricky hanya menjalani pidana 15 kali kali caning dari total hukuman yang dijatukan terhadap dirinya sebanyak 20 kali kali caning, setelah terpidana menjalani masa kurungan badan selama 110 hari sehingga jumlah hukuman caning dikurangi sebanyak lima kali.
Terpidana T Abdul Rahman hanya menjalani tujuh kali hukuman caning dari total 10 kali pidana caning yang dijatukan kepadanya, setelah dirinya menjalani kurungan badan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Meulaboh selama 58 hari, sehingga hukuman dikurangi tiga kali canp dari total 10 kali kali caning.
The reduction of the caning was also received by the convict Zamzami who only served seven lashes from a total of 10 lashes handed down by the judge to him, because he had served 53 days in prison, so the caning sentence was reduced by three days.
The convict Zeki Fuad was only six lashes from the total sentence handed down to him 11 lashes, for serving 110 days in prison in Meulaboh, West Aceh.
Mawardi said the six convicts who were lashed were previously proven legally and convincingly, committing a gambling crime in accordance with Article 18 of Qanun Number 6 of 2024 concerning Jinayat Law.
Having completed the execution of the criminal caning, the seven convicts have been officially released from punishment and returned to their families.
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