JAKARTA The alleged kidnapping case against Suhendri alias Hendri in Myanmar has yet to find a bright spot. The family also admitted that they had surrendered to wait for Hendri's return to Indonesia.

Yohana, the victim's family, admitted that she had coordinated with the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon regarding Hendri's return. At that time, the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon replied that in order to get the victim out, it always ended in ransom.

"Paying the fine is the most likely for the Indonesian citizen to be released," said Yohana, imitating the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon when confirmed, Thursday, August 15.

Yohana also had time to ask whether the Indonesian government could not save Hendri. They only answered with the same words, namely that they could most likely be released by ransom.

"Mother can check the conditions in Myanmar as a whole. Myanmar is arguably in conflict with you. Law enforcement officials have even said in every meeting with us (KBRI Yangon) that they also cannot access the area because the Mayawaddy area is controlled by armed ethnic groups who are against the Myanmar national government," he said.

Hearing this, Yohana admitted that she had surrendered and prayed that Hendri could return to Indonesia safely. So that they can reunite with their families.

"Hopefully Hendri survived, can return to gathering with his family again," he concluded.

Hendri alias Suhendri, a resident of Petukangan, Pesanggarahan, South Jakarta, is suspected of being a victim of the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO). Hendri wants a large salary to work at a company in Thailand.

Despite demiikian, upon arrival in Thailand, Hendri was actually taken to Myanmar and tortured by a group of people.

The perpetrators asked USD 30 or around Rp. 500 million to release Hendri. The victim's family had asked for help by reporting to the Polda Metro Jaya, Bareskrim Polri, BP2MI and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu). However, until now there has been no bright spot to save Hendri from confinement and torture in Myanmar.

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