Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Yudian Wahyudi explained that the release of the hijab of a number of members of the 2024 Heritage Flag Raising Troop (Paskibraka) aims to raise the values of uniformity in raising the flag.
"Because from the beginning Paskibraka was a unit (uniform)," said Yudian when giving a press statement at the National Police Residential, the capital city of Nusantara, East Kalimantan, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 14.
The statement was made when explaining the reasons for adjusting the uniform provisions for Paskibraka members who use the hijab.
In previous years, Paskibraka members were allowed to wear the hijab in the inauguration and flag-raising ceremonies on August 17.
However, BPIP decided to uniform Paskibraka's clothing and appearance in 2024, as stated in the Circular of Deputy for Training Number 1 of 2024.
In the circular, there is no choice to dress hijab for Paskibraka members who use the hijab.
Yudi explained that the uniforming of clothing departed from the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which was initiated by the Founder of the Nation, namely Ir. Soekarno.
The values brought by Soekarno, said Yudi, are unity in uniformity. The gap was translated by BPIP in the form of uniform clothing.
Moreover, he said, later the Paskibraka members would serve as troops.
"He (a member of the hijab Paskibraka) served as a troop that symbolizes unity in diversity," said Yudi.
BPIP also emphasized that the release of the hijab was carried out voluntarily, based on the signatures they gave in a statement of willingness to comply with the regulations for the formation and implementation of Paskibraka's duties in 2025.
Paskibraka members signed their signature on a stamp of Rp. 10,000 which signifies the statement to be official and binding in the eyes of the law.
"(The release of the hijab) was only carried out at the time of the inauguration of Paskibraka and the raising of the Red and White at the state ceremony," said Yudi.
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