JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has criticized the recent acts of domestic violence (KDRT) that have often occurred in Indonesia. Puan asked the police to take firm action against all perpetrators of domestic violence and violence against women and children.

"There is no tolerance or zero tolerance for domestic violence and acts of violence, especially against women and children. It must be strictly sanctioned according to the applicable law," said Puan to reporters, Wednesday, August 14.

Puan revealed that data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) stated that there were 15,459 cases of violence from the beginning to mid-2024, of which 13,436 were experienced by women and 3,312 by men. Domestic violence is the highest case.

Meanwhile, the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) noted that throughout 2023 there were 401,975 cases of violence.

Most recently, the domestic violence case happened to former fencer athlete and celebrity Cut Intan Nabila by her husband, Armor Toreador. The domestic violence was revealed by Cut Intan when posting a video of violence by Amor Toreador on his Instagram account that went viral on social media.

This domestic violence case has also attracted a lot of public attention, because Armor Toreador not only hit Cut Intan many times, but the perpetrator also kicked his baby son. Currently, the perpetrator has been detained by the police.

Deep concern over the violence that has happened to women again. Although domestic violence victims can happen to anyone, women are the ones who are the most victims," said Puan.

Puan appreciated the police's quick response in arresting Cut Intan's husband, which was less than 24 hours from the video posted and reporting the victim.

"We appreciate the police movement that quickly arrested the perpetrators and provided protection to the victims. We hope that the police's quick action will also be shown for all victims of violence, as well as for other legal cases," said Bung Karno's grandson.

"That way, justice can be created for all Indonesian people without having to wait for the viral case first. The no viral no justice phenomenon as I said before must be minimized," added Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also assessed that the issue of domestic violence is still a challenge for Indonesia. Therefore, Puan emphasized the importance of effectively overcoming the domestic violence phenomenon in order to create a just and human society.

"The government, together with all relevant stakeholders, and of course the community, must be committed to fighting domestic violence in order to create a family environment free from violence," he said.

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