JAKARTA - The Fourth Plenary Session of the Tarjih Muhammadiyah National Conference accepted and ratified the results of the Commission VI Session regarding the Initial Fajr/Dawn prayer Time Criteria which decided that the Fajr prayer time was delayed by an average of 8 minutes. The Central Leadership (PP) of Muhammadiyah secretary asked the members of the organization to obey it.

Reporting from the official website of Muhammadiyah, as conveyed by Agung Danarto, the decision of the XXXI Tarjih Muhammadiyah National Conference regarding the initial criteria at dawn has been barred, meaning that it has become an official decision of the organization, from which the members of the organization are asked to obey and heed it.

"From the results of this National Conference, all Muhammadiyah members can obey. So that is why we ask the mosques, prayer rooms which are directly under the management of Muhammadiyah to be able to adjust to the dawn time set by the Tarjih Council", said Agung on Thursday, March 25.

He also asked the Tarjih Council, Tabligh, and Information Library Assembly (MPI) to be able to help PP Muhammadiyah socialize this decision to Muhammadiyah members in particular, and to Muslims in general.

"PP Muhammadiyah hopes that this can be immediately implemented by Muhammadiyah members", he added.

Meanwhile, with regard to differences with other Islamic organizations, Agung considered that differences would always exist and were reasonable. From that, he asked the members of the organization not to turn and continue to implement the decision from Muhammadiyah, and to continue to tolerate and not immediately think the other was wrong.

"So we try to carry out our decision without having to blame other parties who are not the same as us", said Agung to Muhammadiyah members.

Towards Ramadan, related to the question of the time when fasting starts at Imsak or at dawn, Agung Danarto explained that fasting starts at dawn. Meanwhile, related to the existence of the Imsak time, according to him, it is intended for people who are going to perform fasting to get ready and clean themselves.

"Imsak means to refrain from eating and drinking, so we try to finish the meal as soon as we can. But the fasting time starts at dawn", he said.

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