JAKARTA - The eradication of Pak Ogah, which was held by the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP in the Tertib Praja Operation, made some poor people feel lost their income.

Although his profession violates the Regional Regulation regarding Public Order (Tibum), for 'Pak Ogah' only that job can make money to eat.

Seperti yang dikeluhankan Muhamad Iswahyudin, seorang 'Pak Ogah' yang terjaring dalam Operasi Bina Tertib Praja di kawasan Jakarta Pusat.

Iswahyudin said that he was secured by Satpol PP officers because he was considered a illegal parking attendant who violated the regulations.

"I want to work, and I don't want to be a jukir like this. But how about it, I find it difficult to get a job," he told reporters, Tuesday, August 13.

After being caught, Iswahyudin also admitted that he had received a warning from the Sawah Besar District Satpol PP officers not to become 'Pak Ogah'. However, he argued that the activity was not carried out every day.

"I rarely become 'Pak Ogah'," he said.

Iswahyudin said that it was difficult for him to find a job because he was only a junior high school graduate. He hopes that the government can provide him with a decent job, because he has difficulty getting a job.

"This is the result of 'Pak Ogah' I gave it to my parents to buy rice," he said.

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