JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) helped arrest a fugitive for corruption, Christian Andi Pelang (CAP). Andi Pelang is a suspect in a corruption case handled by the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office.

"CAP was arrested at a restaurant in the Senayan area by a joint team", said Spokesman for Corruption Eradication, Ali Fikri in a written statement, Thursday, March 25.

This joint team, he continued, consists of the Central Jakarta District Attorney, the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office, and the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office. The fugitive was arrested on Wednesday, March 24 at around 13.30 WIB.

The suspect, Christian Andi Pelang, has been on the run since June 2019. He is a suspect in the alleged corruption of the Torate CS bridge replacement work with a budget of IDR 14.9 billion.

"CAP was named a suspect since 2019 and declared a DPO after being summoned as a suspect several times but did not come, namely DPO since June 2019, and the KPK received requests to facilitate the search for DPO since June 2020 from the Central Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office", Ali explained.

After the arrest was made, Christian will first be brought to the Central Jakarta District Prosecutor's Office for examination. Then, he will be flown to Palu, Central Sulawesi.

Ali said that this arrest was a form of synergy between the KPK and other law enforcers, namely the Attorney General's Office and the National Police in prosecuting corruption.

"This kind of cooperation is urgently needed in efforts to eradicate corruption, including finding DPOs from cases handled by the KPK, Police or the Attorney General's Office", he concluded.

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