JAKARTA - The brother of the inactive Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh, Bahdar Saleh admitted that he had forwarded a short message from the Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Nurdin Halid, to Gazalba regarding information on case management.

"Just forward, but I don't know the problem," said Bahdar, who is a witness in the trial of the alleged corruption case handling the Supreme Court (MA) case at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 12.

In the short message shown by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Bahdar can be seen continuing information on cases of persecution handled by Supreme Court Justice Desnayeti, Gazalba, and Supreme Court Justice Sofyan Sitompul. The information was forwarded by Bahdar from Nurdin to Gazalba.

After that, in a short message Gazalba regretted that the information had just been informed to him and asked Bahdar to ask Nurdin why the case had just been informed. Gazalba, in the same short message, also asked Bahdar when NH would take a copy.

Responding to a short message from him to Nurdin and Gazalba shown by the prosecutor at the trial, Bahdar admitted that he did not remember and did not know.

"NH is Nurdin Halid. But I don't know what copy was taken," he said.

In the case of alleged corruption in the handling of cases in the Supreme Court, Gazalba was charged with receiving gratuities and committing money laundering (TPPU) with a total value of Rp62.89 billion.

The allegation of receipts includes gratuities worth Rp. 650 million and money laundering offenses consisting of 18,000 Singapore dollars (Rp. 216.98 million), Rp. 37 billion, 1.13 million Singapore dollars (Rp. 13.59 billion), 181,100 US dollars (Rp. 2 billion), and Rp. 9.43 billion in the period 2020 2022.

Gratification given to Gazalba is related to the case of the cassation of the Logam Jaya Logistics Business Owner (UD) Jawahirul Fuad who experienced legal problems related to the management of B3 waste without a permit in 2017.

The gratuity money was allegedly received by Gazalba together with lawyer Ahmad Riyadh as a liaison between Jawahirul Fuad and Gazalba in 2022 after the pronouncement of the case decision. Gazalba received Rp200 million and Riyadh received Rp450 million in cash, or the total gratuity received by both of them amounting to Rp650 million.

Furthermore, the money from the gratuity along with money from other receipts received by Gazalba was used as funds to conduct money laundering offenses together with the defendant's older brother, Edy Ilham Sholeh, and a close friend of the defendant, Fify Mulyani.

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